Most car drivers are aware that the use of alcohol abuse , smoking any thing other than cigarettes or calling while driving is detrimental to road safety.
But these same drivers should also learn that there are other factors that can hinder a more confident driving .
Fatigue , stress and emotions have a serious effect that can cause serious consequences ob our driving. It is best if you are tired to not take your car out and rather to stay and rest. When we hare emotional, it is good to share and relieve stress and avoid endangering our lives and those of others. An accident can happen quickly.
If you are worried , angry , scared, or depressed your ability to drive can be as negative as if you had responded to a call or after consuming several alcoholic beverages. Please avoid getting behind the wheel when you are in a state of anger.
It is advisable not to repress these emotions, discuss them, find peace within before causing a fatality in an accident due to your behavior.
Behaviors of others
If when driving , you happen to witness a major speeder, they cut you off the road, it honks at you as it squeals by you, you are best to stay calm in your vehicle and move to the side of the road as quickly as possible.
Take a moment to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. If you are in an emotional state, it would be good to get out of your vehicle, walk, or get something to drink like water. So you can keep calm with peace of mind.
If you feel rushed or impatient, give yourself some time before taking the wheel. Think about the importance of getting into your vehicle, you put your hands on the steering wheel, buckle your seat belt , and ready to leap out of your driveway , driving with confidence and security.
Is it not more important to arrive safely than winning a few seconds burning brake lights, and not respect the allotted speed limit?
Impatience is really not a good solution to get to the place you want to reach faster.
Calm down , breathe, come to your senses , because driving down the street in such circumstances can cause an accident to yourself , but remember : you are not only putting your life in danger, but also that of others, your family , friends who accompany you or other speeders .