EXPERIENCE THE RESQME DIFFERENCE WITH LIFESAVER TOOLS & LIFESAVER KITS Think about your dads’ safety while driving. RESQME® A keychain lifesaver tool that breaks a side window and cuts through seat belts when…
By Guest Author: Lauren Byrd Practicing proper driver safety is a very important part of driving. As a driver, you should be aware of proper car maintenance, safety tips, and also…
By Guest Author the Social Monsters GPS devices and map applications have become commonplace in cars around the country. However, it’s important that they are used safely. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found…
The resqme Show: Interschutz: 6/8-6/13 Hannover/ Germany: Click here for more information -> Governemnt Fleet Expot: 6/9-6/11 Denvers/Colorado, Booth# 916 Click here for more information -> All Month: National Safety Month …
We’re constantly reminded of the dangers we face every time we get in the car. We pass accidents on the way to work, we hear about fatal collisions on the news at…
By Guest Author: Nicholas Brit We invite you to come read his article. Biography: Nicholas Brit is a contributing writer for OldJunkCar.com, a national junk car removal, appraisal…
Written by Alex Clark-McGlenn, guest author Social Monters A lot needs to go right with a car each and every day you drive it. From the ignition to the engine and exhaust —…
The most beautiful gift to give your mom is her safety. 3 May 2015 Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Mozambique 8 May 2015 South Korea (Parent’s Day) 10 May 2015 El Salvador,…
Writen By Guest Author: Stella Fin When you’re on the road, you’re automatically prone to accidents. However, some people are more prone to road accidents than others and they are people who…
Stay Safe & Be Prepared The mother’s Day with resqme®, alertme®, defendme® and protectme® Santa Barbara CA, May 2th, 2015. We are all concerned with our safety, but also the others, it’s…