Driving Tests Around the World – Infographic No one looks forward to their driving test; it’s something that strikes fear and nervousness in many. Nerves can even have a negative impact and…
Getting a driver’s license does not guarantee that you will be safe on the road. Even experienced drivers can falter when driving. For new drivers, navigating the road can be risky…
New drivers will copy their parents habits. But good automobile owners don’t only drive safely, they practice regular maintenance and repair and are courteous on the road. Lead by example and cultivate…
Thanks for signing up! We’ve sent a confirmation email to your inbox. Click the link in your email to confirm and be on the lookout for expert safety preparedness tips! In the…
From Visually. After reading these statistics on distracted driving, we hope you’ll think twice and use extra caution when eating, talking, texting or even using GPS while driving.
Distracted driving is gaining attention as a serious issue and combine it with the epidemic of selfies behind the wheel and you have a potentially lethal combination. When you look at the…
Driving is a necessary activity, and the lifeline of a whole gamut of human activities. With the number of vehicle owners rising, as well as the number of accidents, it is essential…
Daytona Speedway saw one of its most horrific crashes at the Coke Zero 400 in July when Austin Dillon’s car clipped the wall at the finish line and sailed into the crash…
Autumn is here and the nation is cooling off. We’re falling off Daylight Savings Time (except in Arizona, Hawaii and most U.S. Territories), so it’s getting darker sooner, too. While many of…
Eighty-four percent of vehicles on the road need parts or servicing, according to a 2014 Car Care Council survey. Performing routine maintenance checks on your car is the best way to…