Here are four of the deadliest highways in the US, as well as a few tips on how to tackle them and still make it home in one piece. With more than…

Everyone knows tires are an essential component of vehicles. They are the only things that come in contact with the road; hence, the working of the vehicle and the safety of the…

We all hope that we will never have to deal with a mechanical malfunction while behind the wheel of a vehicle, but every driver should know what to do during an emergency…

Would you be prepared if something went wrong while you were driving? We call it “car prepping” and luckily, just a few items can make you far more prepared should you encounter…

Gif of a guy playing flute while in traffic As you drive to and from work, running errands and shuttling the kids to school, you’ve probably seen your fair share of drivers…

In today’s bustling, white-collar economy, professionals (whether male or female drivers) are often at the mercy of the auto mechanic. The same can go for elderly drivers and even teen drivers. Empower…

Motorcycle Safety Guide for Beginners – What You Need To Know, Wear and Do as a New Motorcycle Driver Courtesy of the experts at: http://www.injury-solicitors.ie/ Motorcycle Safety Guide for Beginners – What…

A car accident, no matter how trivial it is, is a scary experience for everyone. But a car accident while pregnant can be even more terrifying. Worst still, the trauma the mom-to-be…

Flood Safety Awareness Recent flooding around the country claimed the lives of many folks who potentially had very bright futures. Flooding can happen in an instant, quickly overtaking your car, but often…

Fitting Your Child Correctly in the Car Seat Although the laws concerning child car seats will vary between Western countries, they are all set out with the common purpose of maximizing the…