Few things are scarier than being in your car knowing that you lack the ability to help yourself in the case of an accident. Taking extra safety measures is imperative in today’s era of modern vehicles and frequent high-speed travel. Newer car models have safety features like side-impact airbags and sensors that let you know when your air pressure is too low, but there is other safety equipment that could help if you ended up in a dangerous situation on the road.
Satellite Phones
It’s critical to be able to phone emergency services if your car is disabled. Imagine that you blow out a tire and go careening into a ditch in the middle of the night. Your smartphone could be destroyed in the collision, or you may not be able to get a signal. In this case, satellite phones go beyond the limitations of basic wireless phones because they work through satellites instead of cell towers, meaning they can work in remote locations. The devices tether your vehicle to emergency services via a global-positioning link, and you are a guaranteed signal to make a call. In a story for CNET, Daniel Terdiman explains that satellite phones provide a crystal clear signal, even in a remote desert location.
Roadside Emergency Kits
Preparing an emergency kit to stash in the trunk of your vehicle could make a huge difference should you ever face the daunting situation of being stuck, especially in an unfamiliar or remote area.
According to Consumer Reports, you’ll need a tire gauge, jack and lug wrench, jumper cables, flares, a flashlight and a first-aid kit. These items can “aid you in getting help, signaling your car’s presence to other motorists, and tackling simple challenges.” The article suggests additional items for long-distance driving such as extra clothes, food and water, and different supplies for winter driving such as a blanket, small shovel and cat litter for slick surfaces. Also, a cell phone or satellite phone is atop the list because even if you have roadside assistance, you will need a phone to contact any sort of help.
Devices to Cut Glass and Seat Belts
After many accidents the doors are unable to open, and you might have to break free. However, doing so could injure you further. Devices like resqme can help motorists avoid this problem.
Resqme is a portable device that attaches to your keychain, and “pulls double duty as both a seat-belt cutter and window breaker,” according to Cars.com. It retails for less than $15 so it’s an easy purchase.
GPS Technology
These days, there’s no excuse to not be hands-free in the car. Fumbling with your phone for a navigation app or playing with your in-dash system can lead to a sudden accident on the road. Portable GPS devices are very useful for most vehicular travel, and range from $128 to $330, based on the desired features, says Top Ten Reviews. This type of technology can help you find the nearest gas station, avoid being needlessly lost in unfamiliar places and prevent you from getting stranded.