The resqme® is a great car escape tool but sometimes people get confused on how to use it. Now presenting the ultimate, most comprehensive and up to date guide on how to…

Resqme, Inc. is proud to collaborate with Rescue 42 for the release of The Ripper™ Laminated Glass Cutter. Driven by the same mission, Resqme and Rescue 42 strive to make the most…

It is always a great reward for us when someone shares their story about how resqme helped save a life. We at resqme, Inc. are committed to increase safety for all drivers…
What to Keep In Your Car Emergency Kit By Guest Author: Samuel Joyce Drivers face a plethora of crisis every day. Traffic jams, rough weather, flat tires, dead batteries, stranded miles away…
How to Handle Your Teenager’s First Car Accident By Guest Author: Marie Sulenski All parents worry about their teen drivers getting into a car accident. Joanne Helperin of Edmunds Inc. told Disney Family…
By Guest Author: Zoe Florence Driver Safety Week is an important time to remember how crucial driver safety is to everyone on the road. However, aside from just reminding people about driver…
Currently, we know at the moment that phenomenal floods are happening in every corner of the world from France to America. The resqme team supports all those experiencing difficult weather. Dominik Jung,…
Driver Education: What learning can be more useful than what could save your life? Author: RICARDO ALEMÁN It is a unique portable safety device that can be on the keychain. It is a…
Checklist and Tips for Safe Winter Driving This holiday season, be careful out on the roads. Check out this comprehensive checklist from SaferCar.gov before you began your travels. Know Your Car Every…
resqme, Inc. is proud to report that Jeanna Marie from Pennyslvania recently used her resqme tool that was gifted to her a few years ago to help save a trapped driver. Her…