This year, resqme, Inc. is offering a Holiday Gift Guide to make your shopping experience just a little bit easier. We encourage practical presents that are handy all year long. Below are…
Get Your Teen Ready for the Open Road By Guest Author, Marcus Beatty Younger drivers, those under 20 years of age, are three times as likely to be involved in an accident,…
resqme, Inc. is proud to report that Jeanna Marie from Pennyslvania recently used her resqme tool that was gifted to her a few years ago to help save a trapped driver. Her…
Recipe for a Safe Thanksgiving Trip From resqme, Inc. Leave earlier. Drive slower. Live longer. Prep your car – check fluids, wipers, lights, and tires Prep yourself – get a good night’s…
By Andre Smith The problem of drinking and driving is a worldwide issue, and each year people are killed or seriously injured because of someone’s decision to drink alcohol and get behind…
According to the World Health Organization’s recent 2013 Global Status Report on Road Safety, “worldwide the total number of road traffic deaths remains unacceptably high at 1.24 million per year.” The report indicates…
resqme, Inc. is proud to work with United Hatzalah of Israel. This past August, resqme, Inc. made a donation of 2400 resqme tools to United Hatzalah of Israel, the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer…
By Andre Smith Drive safely regardless of the vehicle’s age or your driving skills. Accidents happen within seconds, so gain the experience you need to drive anywhere. Research tips that will help…
It’s National Teen Driver Safety Week and parents across the nation struggle with how to address tough topics with their teens, but one of the most important topics to talk about is…
Last weekend resqme, Inc. President and Founder, Laurent Colasse, traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana to take part in an interview with WISH TV Channel 8 and Troy Kehoe. He later participated in a live…